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영어 the cleaner retract clutch ...
Replace the cleaner retract clutch P/N 121K17940,
but for that You need to disassemble half machine from back side.
This clutch do that IBT Belt cleaner can clean IBT belt.
Use grease on the cams to reduce load on clutch.I use plastilube.
Take out IBT belt Assembly, and then inside machine You will see one gear on same line like gear on IBT assy.Try to rotate him or clean. But if You wont to take him out You mast start from back side.

Good Luck
bu ingilizce metnin alanı lazer yazıcılar ve yahut dijital baskıyla ilgilidir.terimleri ona göre değerlendirebilirsiniz.ya da terimlerin normal lugat manasını verebilirsiniz.

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